On June 13, 2023, Asian Barometer Survey organized the International conference which brought together top experts and scholars from various countries, using the Asian Barometer Survey databsets...
Professor Yun-han Chu, passed away on February 5. We mourn the loss of our beloved Founder and Director Emeritus of Asian Barometer Survey. His outstanding contributions and fruitful academic achievements have deeply influenced the development of the field of international social sciences. His refined scholarly style and elegant demeanor shall always remain in our hearts. (Please see Top News for details)
Congratulations! On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Asian Barometer Survey, we are delighted to share a series of video messages on behalf of the ABS leadership and members of the ABS network.
謹以下歷年會議照片集錦,悼念我們敬愛的亞洲民主動態調查創辦人及名譽執行長,您 卓越的貢獻,豐碩的研究成果深深影響國際社會科學領域發展,您學術的風範及儒雅的風采永遠留存在我們心中